2 Nov 2015

WIP: All cleaned up and ready for prime

A group of stunties all cleaned up and ready for prime. These ones are going to be wrapped up in xmas-present. More pics as the project continues.

6 Oct 2015

WIP: Mekgunz

Just a quick post, making Mekgunz, kitbashing a Ork Trukk. I got 2 boxes on mekgunz and one Trukk. Trukk had 6 tires so I get 3 Mekgunz of it. The high wall around the actual gun part are plasticard and greenstuff, rest of it is just Trukk parts so far. Needed 3 Boarding Planks, so one is from second Trukk box that I didn't use on my Trukk.
More pics as the project continues.


All five main bodies are now done. Next up is the gun assembly and for the the Trukk-mek-gunz the energy source too since they don't have the battery box yet.

25 Sept 2015

Quick Book Review: Skarsnik

I finished this one last night. Great book, 5/5 and 10/10. If you love goblins and specially Night Goblins like me, you will love this one.

It was awesome. Goblins were fun and proper gobbo like you would have them in Warhammer universe. Skarsnik is one badass warlord. The battles were awesome and the tale had satisfying pace going foward. Goblin language was easy to get used to and the greenskins made me smile and grin vickedly while reading this.


Available from the Black Library, paperback and ebook.

21 Sept 2015

Weekend project: Shelf for unfinished miniature stuff

 I had some free plywood laying around and my miniature storage was a mess. So I decided to make a shelf thingie to store my new/unopened/unfinished minis in. I quickly drew up some sketches and went to the tablesaw. After succesfully without losing any fingers I had cut the plywood I clued and screwed them together.
 It fits the 15cm tall GW boxes on the upper level and my six bitz-boxes on the lower level. Sadly it became cat-infested in seconds.
Here is the thing loaded up. Not everything managed to fit in the. I have lots to do. Also this is a sneak peak of my Mordheim Orc warband. The halftrack is a necromunda terrain piece.

Update: I Made it from free plywood that I had laying around, total cost was around 2-3 euros, had to by some screws for.I made it mainly becaude I needed to clean up my hobby-closet and this organized things nicely and I wanted to craft with wood, also I had free materials just hanging around. I also designed it so that I fit my Airbrush station on the top.

2 Sept 2015

Local gaming store turned 27, made them a terrain piece, again.

 So I made this Imperial Guard themed memorial statue for my local gaming store because they turned 27 1st of September. I made the Iguana Bob piece last time.
The Statue has a 40mm square base, the "stone" part is 20x20mm 30mm long piece of pine. The plate is just some 0,5mm plasticard, IG tank guys pinned and super clued to the "stone" part. The pine is screwed and clued to the base.
 Citadel Adeptus Battlegrey on the stone parts and Vallejo Brassy Brass to the rest of this.
 Wash with Citadel Thraka Green and Devlan mud.
Extra wash with Thraka Green and super thinned down Vallejo Falcon Turquoise. Then a coat of Vallejo Satin Varnish, finally added some Army Painter tuft on the base. Done.

16 Jul 2015

I accidentally a airbrush painting station, is this bad?

Hello, long time since last post. Been busy. But now I've made this airbrush station to spice up my hobby.

It's made out of wood and it has a filter and a 120mm pc-fan to generate airflow throught the filter to help the paintfumes to go to filter. It took about 3h to make, I used a jigsaw to cut the plywood and used a miter saw to get the 45° angle to the stick, then I put the thing together with glue and small nail gun. The fan is held on with regular fan screws, the plywood is 6mm thick. The filter is attached with nuts and bolts. Corners are sealed with silicone.

7 Apr 2015

I've been lazy on the hobbyfront

Sad to admit but I have been very lazy on the hobbyfront lately. It is election time in Finland soon and that means a lot of extra work for me at work. When I have gotten home after a hard and long day I usually just spent the evenings with family and friends.

But I have got something done though. I've playtested the Ork Mek Gunz and thought that they are amazing. I acquired two of them and meant to make 3 more using a Trukk kit.

I also accidentally Hordes, is this bad?
I choose Trollbloods because they had some cool looking minis.

Other things on my list:
1. need to finish that Phoenix
2. need to build crazy amounts of Mordheim terrain

I actually started on the Mordheim terrain project a bit last night. I made 4 market stalls in a haste. They need something more though, some products, like rusty armour, used weapons, food and stuff for the mechants to sell, maybe some wanted posters on the sides, dunno yet, let us see what I can whip up.

 I started these when I found those wooden parts going to trash, saved them and made these stalls.
 Plasticards scraped with miniature saw to make them look more like wooden planks and glued little sections of sprue, scraped in the same manner, to them. Then I hotglued the wooden parts to the roof.
 Last I hotglued the previous parts to the base and made a crude counter. Old Ork and kit-bash techpriest for scale.

29 Jan 2015

WIP: AM Sentinel part2

The Sentinel is now primed and assemled. Next up is the paint job. Here's some pictures for you guys.

27 Jan 2015

WIP: AM Sentinel

It's tournament time again and I'm busy taking part in a modeling competition, painting my tournament list and assembling new units for my list.

Last night I started on the AM Sentinel. This is a very cool looking model and I especially like the armoured version of it.

I made the base ready and primed it late last night. I also assembled the Sentinel to a point where I need to figure out the position of the legs on the base.

The ruin on the base is made of cork. The bits on the base are from Citadel's resin basing kit, http://www.games-workshop.com/en-FI/Citadel-Warhammer-40-000-Basing-Kit
I sawed straight edges on the resin pieces and sanded the bottom side of them, then I super-glued them to the base next to the wall and in the corner of the ruin.

The Sentinel has been magnetized. The gun is swappable and the fusalage attaches to the legs by a pair of magnets, to ease transportation and to change poses.

9 Jan 2015

WIP: YakTribe Competition V part 1

Ok, boys and girls it's YakTribe Competition time again. This time we have to do a Lawmaker or Rule-Breaker model.

Link to the competition post on Yaktribe:

I'm going to do a terrain piece this time. I have some kind of a gallow in mind this time, more for Mordheim, but they could hang people down at Necromunda too.

 Started make some wood poles and planks for the gallow. I used sprues and old cards.
 Chopped them down.
 Cleaned them up.
Finally I made some wood like grooves on the surface to make it easier to paint it woodlike later.
I realized that I need much more, so I have some more work ahead before I can get started building this.

Painting timelapse video

I made a painting video for a big Finnish newspaper to accompany an article they made about us playing Warhammer and Necromunda. The point of the video is just to show the readers what kind of a process it is to assemble and paint a single miniature.

If the newspapers videoplatform doesn't work for you, here's my youtube copy of it:

The texts are in Finnish, because it's a Finnish newspaper and the readers are also Finnish. The things that I could done better: better quality camera and better lighting setup. Next time...

Sorry for keeping the blog quiet for a while, there was christmas, this article and video and family stuff.