3 Dec 2014

DONE: Yaktribe Competition 4, Loriel

Loriel is done. It took me a while to get him painted but I got it done.

The base is Citadel's Calthan Brown, the sand-glue-paint-water-mix is also colored with it.
The cork is painted with Citadel Codex Grey and washed with Citadel Devlan Mud. Then the cork wash drybrushed with Citadel Dheneb Stone.

The grass on the base is Army Painter's Highland Tuft. Bits on the base are painted with Citadel Dwarf Bronze and Citadel Chainmail. The bronze tube was washed with Devlan Mud and wash made of  watered down Vallejo Hawk Turquoise and the steel bits were washed with Devlan Mud and watered down Citadel Blazing Orange.

Also made a shady gif. I need to construct a some kind of 360 photo stand for these kind of gifs for the future...